Your clients desperately need mindset guidance



Post Category: For Coaches, For Gym Owners


Why do your clients’ mindsets matter?

The things going on in their heads don’t impact their bodies or their results as long as they keep showing up, right?

Fun fact, The way an individual perceives an event or task heavily influences how their body responds to said event/task.

It’s the difference between a spike in blood pressure due to fear/anxiety and a spike due to excitement and physical exertion. 

The difference is the lens the individual uses to interpret their experience. 

That lens is their mindset. 

In other words, their mindset affects everything from their subjective experience all the way down to their hormonal profile. 

That’s incredible. 

The next question then has two components. How do you determine the mindset of individual clients, and once you figure it out, how do you help them make adjustments, because spoiler alert, those changes don’t happen overnight. 

Time to jump in.

The easiest way to learn about your clients’ mindset is to…


The way your clients speak reveal the way they think.

Their language exposes their mindset.

If you listen closely, you’ll learn far more than what their words tell you. You’ll hear the meaning behind their words that they likely don’t even recognize. 

Does that mean you’re putting on your therapist hat and psycho-analyzing them?


It means you’re paying attention. 

When you find things that are hampering their progress, robbing them of joy, and/or preventing them from living up to their potential, you bring it to their attention to help them adopt an alternative. 

Your clients need help, and you can give it to them.

Here’s an easy-to-recognize and simple-to-apply mindset shift that can significantly improve your clients’ odds of success and experience. 

“Yes, but” vs. “Yes, and” mindsets.

Most people naturally have a “Yes, but” mindset.

“Yes, I lost 10 pounds, but I’m still 40 pounds overweight.” 

“Yes, I can deadlift again, but my back still hurts when I get out of bed.”

The “yes, but” mindset is sneaky. It sounds harmless… 

It’s not.

“Yes, but” devalues past efforts and progress in favor of maximizing what’s still lacking and feels out of reach.

The “yes, and” mindset is the opposite.

“Yes, and” celebrates past efforts and progress and acknowledges what that progress has given them.

“Yes, I lost 10 pounds, and now I don’t get winded on my stairs anymore.”

“Yes, I can deadlift again, and my back is only achy for 30 minutes in the morning, and I get to enjoy working in my garden again.”

The shift seems inconsequential, but it’s not. It’s a large enough shift to expose the hidden blindspots behind implicit beliefs. 

Your clients likely won’t recognize the difference between the two mindsets unless you show them, and then they won’t be able to unsee the difference. 

That kind of change bleeds into every aspect of their lives. 

World-class coaching requires meeting people where they are with what they need the most, which usually means meeting them with something beyond reps and sets.

To find out more how Active Life training could help you, book a discover call below now.  

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